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Administration of Deceased wills

The Trust Consultancy provides that personal touch when a loved one passes away. We understand that it is a difficult period for those remaining behind. Let our team of experts handle the paperwork and manage the winding up of the estate for you, while you concentrate on coping with the loss. 

Estate planning & Wills

Planning of an estate is an important component in ensuring the wealth you created throughout your lifetime is preserved and distributed according to your wishes and that your loved ones are looked after financially after you pass away. The will should be a valid and up to date will. 

Trust Services

Our fiduciary team at Caelum Fiduciary Services provides professional trustee services to our clients. As independent trustees our role is to have our finger on the pulses of all activities of the trust, since ultimately, we are here to ensure that the trust operates in the interest of the beneficiaries on the one hand and in compliance with the law on the other. 

Our service offerings include:

  • Keeping the trust deed up to date, in line with legislation, regulations, case law and compliance practice.

  • Drafting documentation placing all trustee participation and decision-making on record.

  • Facilitating trustee meetings.

  • Ensuring the requirements of the trust deed are met as far as quorums, meetings and decision­ making (unanimous or majority votes) are concerned.

  • Measuring proposed trust transactions against exchange and control regulations applicable in South Africa from time to time.

  • Drafting resolutions and loan agreements for loans to and from the trust.

  • Compiling agendas and minutes of trustee meetings.

  • Drafting deeds and donations for all donations to the trust.

  • Disclosing to an accountable institution that we engage within the capacity of a trustee and the relevant transaction or business relationship relates to trust property.

  • Drafting resolutions authorising trustees in office to sign financial statements every year and to sign confirmation of loan balances and movements in loans on an annual basis.

  • Actioning agenda items after trustee meetings and ensuring they're done timeously.

Should you wish to enquire about the independent trustee services that we offer, kindly email us on one of our skilled professionals will gladly assist you.

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